About Us

Our Mission

We work to make Charlotte a better place to live by advocating for sustainable, sensible, and equitable urban practices and policies.

Our Vision

Our Vision is for Charlotte to be a thriving city with a wealth of transportation options, zero pedestrian fatalities, and affordable housing for all members of the community.

Our Values

Bike and Pedestrian Networks
We believe that great cities are cities where people can meet their daily needs via walking or cycling in a convinient, safe, and pleasant manner.

Public Transportation

We believe that great cities have transit that is fast, frequent, reliable, safe, and pleasant to use.

Affordable Housing

We believe that removing existing barriers to building more multi-family housing (especially in walkable areas) is essential to providing Charlotteans with affordable, flexible housing through both private and public methods.

Public Spaces
We believe that great cities are rich in public spaces that every citizen can inhabit without expectation of payment.